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单词 water mark 例句大全,用单词water mark造句:

bond paper without water mark.
Load line mark for fresh water in summer
Next Mark went to the mud diving pit. It was a pit full of muddy water.
It is very dry this year, and the low-water mark of the Yellow River drops.
The high water mark is the boundary between used and unused space in a segment.
Supplier will add the process of blow away water mark between cleaning and baking.
And that starts with a good map to mark fences, water supply supplies and grazing areas.
循环放牧需要好的构思来建围栏, 供水和放牧场地。
Go up to wiped gently in very hot mark with alcohol, toilet water or strong tea can purify.
This is a 140 meters high water monument, sort of an exclamation mark dominating the roadstead.
它是座140米高的水制纪念碑, 犹如一个感叹号俯视着近岸锚地。
The salinity and the density different water are divided into two, and through different color mark.
盐度和密度不同的水被分成两层, 并通过不同颜色标明。
The time like water has flowed from the fingertip, soaks inundates on the skin actually cannot engrave the year mark.
时间如水从指尖流过, 浸漫在皮肤上却刻不下岁月的印痕。
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单词 water mark 释义

  • 单词释义:水痕,水斑(陶瓷、搪瓷缺陷);水印,罗纹;水线[水位]标志  [更多..]



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