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单词 welcome back 例句大全,用单词welcome back造句:

The reporters are waiting at the airport to welcome the hero back.
You, too, would be welcome as soon as you can get back onto the court.
The church is always willing to welcome repentant sinners back to the fold.
Welcome back, Mission Control told Endeavours commander, Brent Jett Jr.
Welcome back to Old Trafford for what I think will be another hotly contested season.
欢迎回到老特拉福德, 我想这又是一个激烈的赛季。
A large crowd gathered at the train station to welcome back the national football team.
一大群人聚集到火车站, 欢迎国家足球队归来。
Chinese living abroad and persons of Chinese descent are welcome to come back for a visit.
我们欢迎海外的华侨, 华人都回来走走。
This back door assemble applies to Great wall auto parts, cheap and quality, welcome to order.
He is seated behind me to my right, and I welcome him back to the Security Council again today.
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单词 welcome back 释义

  • 单词释义:高兴地看到…归来  [更多..]



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