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单词 welcome to 例句大全,用单词welcome to造句:

This front lamp applies to The new great wall auto vehicle. welcome to order.
Wan Chai Shop was removed to Causeway Bay, welcome to visit the new shop now!
A new acquaintance is appearing at the door. I must go and bid welcome to him.
Much improvement is needed for my blog, you are all welcome to give me advices.
其实我的博客有很多方面要改进, 请朋友们多提意见!
Welcome to visit the Dutch whole world carrier pigeon advisory service network!
Our company have coffee bean and cocoa make South Africa. welcome to make order.
本公司长期供应南非咖啡豆, 可可粉。欢迎订购。
Welcome to Geneva, and welcome to a consultation with a transformative ambition.
Welcome to Beijing to enjoy local delicacies and stall tea served in large bowls.
Professional production of first aid kit special tweezers, welcome to the samples.
I'd like to avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all.
Let me first of all extend a warm welcome to our American friends coming from afar.
Aunt is ready for you to eat the teeth do not hurt the sugar, to taste, welcome to.
阿姨准备了适合你吃不伤牙齿的糖, 欢迎到时来尝尝。
Welcome to agree with this opinion and intend to learn English to recognize my friend!
欢迎认同这个观点得, 并有意想学好英语得朋友认识我!
Students are welcome to register in spring if they are capable of adapting to the class.
This door assemble applies to Great wall auto parts, cheap and quality, welcome to order.
Every Afghan who accepted the principles of reconciliation would be welcome to return home.
Each table accommodates 10 people. You are welcome to attend with other alumni and friends.
Welcome to the website of Xinghan Light Industrial, please give some advice to the product!
On behalf of Poland, allow me also to welcome to the United Nations the new Member, Tuvalu.
This back door assemble applies to Great wall auto parts, cheap and quality, welcome to order.
Our company supply baby bib, a large quantity favorably, welcome to the consultation to discuss.
I wish to extend a very warm welcome to you and deep appreciation to you for attending the Summit.
Allow me, first of all, to express our heartfelt welcome to our distinguished guests coming from afar.
Candidates who are interested in and dedicated to automotive industries are warmly welcome to join us!
On behalf of our office staff, I wish to extend our warm to welcome to the friends who have come to visit the company.
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