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单词 administer to 例句大全,用单词administer to造句:

Women have the right to acquire, administer, control, use and transfer property.
Difficult to administer. Valuation is an art, with a lot of room for discretion.
定值是门艺术, 评判的空间很大。
To apply the index mode of case classification to administer hospital management.
To make it easier to administer the curriculum, all the animals all the subjects.
为了便于管理, 全体动物所有的科目都要修。
If baby needs to be incubated, I would prefer to administer kangaroo care instead.
如果孩子需要放进暖箱, 我希望能进行袋鼠式护理。
First, I am very appreciated for forum administer to promise me as webmaster here.
Does the varicocele use traditional Chinese medicine to be able to administer well.
But the housemaid of that flank mama Zhou administer on behalf of Yi to answer again.
Examination theory accounting information is distorted and comprehensive to administer
She was so kind that she came to administer the medicine to the lonely old sick woman.
To make it easier to administer the curriculum, all the animals took all the subjects.
为了便于课程管理, 所有的动物必须学习所有的科目。
At the same time, we ve designed it to be as easy to deploy and administer as possible.
Administer the Countny According to the Lawand the Education of the Ethnic Law in Guizhou
To administer centrally the law popularization and education in the customs institutions.
Solve corrupt problem to need to administer thoroughly, its premise is to look for accurate pathogeny.
to administer and coordinate relevant work of the accounting colleges directly affiliated to the Ministry.
Attempting to administer poison, or shooting, or attempting to shoot or drown, etc., with intent to murder
To supervise and administer the veterinary drugs, veterinary instruments and administer their importation.
So as to administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat, and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment.
使患者为之一惊, 出一身汗, 然后好好地叫他们治疗。
That had been accompanied by the setting up of elaborate institutional mechanisms to administer and enforce those standards.
To administer the various business of the archives and chronicles center to administer the confidential and communication office.
The ways to administer a country are not by rigidity. We don't need to follow examples of ancients to seek benefits for the country.
The provisions to accredit and administer such personnel dose assessment organizations shall be laid down by the competent authority.
Medications that need to be broken in order to administer half the dose can be broken using a gloved hand or cut with a cutting device.
Since the power to administer Tianjin harbour was delegated to the local authorities two years ago, its economic efficiency has greatly improved.
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单词 administer to 释义

  • 单词释义:给予;有助于;使(某人)宣誓  [更多..]



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