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单词 according to the book 例句大全,用单词according to the book造句:

The new hiring was done according to the book.
Archers must stand to shoot, according to the book.
按照规定, 射手必须站直了射击。
According to Meyer, the book is about losing true love.
The Book of Mormon is not arranged according to chronological order.
According to the book, this place is 350 meters above the sea level.
The solution was not according to the book, but it served the purpose.
这种解决办法不符合规定, 但它达到了目的。
Install the end of cable according to the manufactory's instruction book.
Please check on your answers according to the keys at the back of the book.
Operation analysis record book is notfilled according to the existing regulations.
英文例句大全为您提供according to the book英文例句大全,according to the book英文造句,关于according to the book的英语句子,单词according to the book怎么造句,according to the book英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于according to the book,英语单词according to the book的句子,单词according to the book如何造句,according to the book怎么造句等。

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