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单词 trusted 例句大全,用单词trusted造句:

He could have been trusted to drive another ten miles in search of some appliance.
But which buggers they didn't ought to have trusted Winston could not now remember.
The Famen Temple, Chia Kuei is a trusted lackey of Liu Chin, a Ming Dynasty eunuch.
贾桂是京剧法门寺里明朝宦官刘瑾 的亲信奴才。
Sharing accounts is not allowed by any other means than the trusted relations option.
I've never trusted you since I saw a pile of cicada wings outside your burrow one day.
Code access security primarily affects library code and partially trusted applications.
If you want to accept this certificate, import it into the list of trusted certificates.
This certificate validates to a root certificate that is trusted by the remote computer.
After speaking to a group of her most trusted advisers, she turned her anger into action.
In the list that appears, find and expand the Trusted Root Certification Authority folder.
在名单中出现, 寻找和扩大受信任的根证书权威文件夹。
They argued that the ruling party could not be trusted to oversee its own removal from power.
When a guest trusted his host, he would then just touch or clink the hosts glass with his own.
With advanced structure, low noise and good dedusting effect, it is deeply trusted by customers.
本产品结构先进, 噪音低, 除尘效果好, 深得用户信赖。
The government must bring this shameful affair into the open if it is to be trusted by the voters.
The newspaper must bring this shameful affair into the open if it is to be trusted by the readers.
Of course, this leaves the bootstrap issue of how you establish the trusted third party's identity.
当然, 这又摆出了如何确立可信第三方的身份的自举问题。
The system could not be unlocked. The smartcard certificate used for authentication was not trusted.
Only signed macros from trusted sources will be allowed to run. Unsigned macros are automatically disabled.
These guys have solved the problem using the tried and trusted mathematical technique of sheer brute force.
I assure you that she can be trusted to do the work well. or Ill vouch for her as the best person for the job.
这事交给她办, 担保错不了。
Indohaadde also has a large number of personal bodyguards, individuals who are most trusted from his own clan.
The islands in the Pacific Ocean trusted by the UN to the US include the Mariana, Marshall, and Caroline islands.
Instead, they trusted this idea of the impersonal system and the bureaucrat who would be detached and work in this system.
Deleting root certificate will invalidate the trusted root certificate authorities. Do you wish to delete the certificate?
If the guest trusted his host, however, he would merely clink his goblet against hs hosts when his host offered his cup for the sample.
如果客人信任主人, 便会在主人举杯时只碰一下杯肚。

单词 trusted 释义

  • 单词释义:可[置]信的,无错的  [更多..]



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