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单词 tumble to 例句大全,用单词tumble to造句:

The walls begin to tumble down
I tried to run actually fallen a tumble.
Nonetheless, Asian stock prices continued to tumble.
This is the optimum angle to tumble and mull the sand.
He is now able to play rough and tumble with the other kids.
When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often tumble off.
I blinked and read it once again before tears began to tumble.
The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff.
人摔得最疼的一跤, 是为自己吓唬自己所绊倒。
Quite accidentally, the police tumble on the answer to the mystery
Hold tight to the handle bars and be careful you don't tumble off.
握紧把手, 当心摔下来。
Ane they tumble from this higher land to meet the Ganges on the plains.
支流从高地往下流, 与平原上的恒河汇合。
Share prices are bound to tumble when the takeover bid hits the headlines.
Flow Performance of Auxiliary Port to Form Reverse Tumble in Cylinder for Gasoline Engine
When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often tumble off, but this teaches you how to keep you balance.
学骑车常会摔倒, 可这能教会你如何保持平衡。
Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!
The top performers of trampoline are able to achieve up to two seconds of air time in which to tumble,twist and turn.
The top performers of trampoline are able to achieve up to two seconds of air time in which to tumble, twist and turn.
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