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单词 swimming pool 例句大全,用单词swimming pool造句:

Steaming geysers form a backdrop to the hotspring swimming pool at Jentze Springs.
gymnasium , swimming pool , room of chess and card , billiard , nigh club.
It's conveniently close to the village centre, and not far from the swimming pool.
In addition I used little of the spa room, since I usually go to the swimming pool.
屋顶, 后学又因都到游泳池, 很少使用。
We still have the billiards room, bowling center, and indoor swimming pool as well.
我们还有一个桌球室, 一个保龄球馆和一个室内游泳池。
The swimming pool is full of people who are doing the backstroke, they are having fun.
游泳池里都是仰浮得人群, 大家玩得很开心。
The swimming pool is full of people who are doing the backstroke, they are having fun.
游泳池里都是仰浮的人群, 大家玩得很开心。
The swimming pool with large extent can accommodate over eight people at the same time.
She eased herself out of the lounger and plopped down by the edge of the swimming-pool.
We have a swimming cap and bathing suit with a good, went to the nearest swimming pool.
I want to daydream about have a big house with a big swimming pool and hurst motte wood.
After that, we go to the swimming pool. We wear the life buoy and play with the dolphins.
The fourth floor is the clubhouse, which includes a fitness center and one swimming pool.
There is a restaurant, bar and free swimming pool access. The price includes a buffet breakfast.
Welcome to the final briefing before we christen the next swimming pool here at the white house.
Use focused colored lighting to highlight a tree or an amenity such as a swimming pool or hot tub.
And there is a football field, several basket ball courts and a swimming pool in the neighborhood.
room of chess and card , billiard room , table tennis room , swimming pool indoor , gymnasium.
My brother didn't realize that he had forgotten his swimming suit until he arrived at the swimming pool.
Just come to Purple Bamboo Teahouse, Gym or Swimming Pool to revive and refresh your mind, soul and body.
When planning the placement of the swimming pool, the architects carefully studied the path of the sun.
This swimming pool forbids wearing seabeach trousers and white or transparent swimming sweater and pants.
When summer arrived, the housing estate's swimming pool was crowded with people trying to avoid the summer heat.
Typical mistake He dived in a swimming pool from the divingboard. Correction He dived into a swimming pool from the divingboard.
Notice for participants of Aqua Aerobics the classes will be held at swimming pool, please dress standard swimming suits and caps.
参加水中有氧课程学员请于游泳池上课, 并著标准泳衣泳帽。
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