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单词 style name 例句大全,用单词style name造句:

The font style name is not available.
Through a component plus a style name.
Adopt a name, a custom, an idea, a style of dress.
His own name for this style was broadened reality.
In the Create Style dialog, type a name for the new style.
在创建样式对话框中, 键入新样式的名称。
Style name. Earrings in sterling silver, for pierced ears.
匠心独运, 别具风格。纯银穿孔耳环。
Style has a name. Pendant in sterling silver. On a 16 chain.
匠心独运别具风格。纯银吊坠。配16 英寸项链。
You can customize the style and wording of the product name.
In the Create Style dialog box, enter a name for the new style.
In the Create Style dialog box that pops up, type a name for the new style.
在弹出的创建样式对话框中, 为新的样式键入一个名称。
This gives us a class name with which to style the content within the fragment.
You can find out the exact name for each style by hovering your cursor over the button.
英文例句大全为您提供style name英文例句大全,style name英文造句,关于style name的英语句子,单词style name怎么造句,style name英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于style name,英语单词style name的句子,单词style name如何造句,style name怎么造句等。

单词 style name 释义

  • 单词释义:字(字一般是根据名中的字义另取的别名);[计] 样式名  [更多..]



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