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单词 strike out 例句大全,用单词strike out造句:

It is our goal to strike a balance between the flow of goods in and out of our area.
The workers acted out their dissatisfaction with the management by going on a strike.
The Hongkong seamen held out for eight weeks since the strike broke out on January 12.
When you strike a tuning fork you activate it to send out a particular sound or frequency.
当你敲击一把音叉, 它会发出特殊的音调或频率。
Washington and Israel have not ruled out a military strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.
据悉, 美国和以色列不排除对伊朗的核设施进行军事打击。
Day to strike out pieces of color in riotous profusion Jump out one time filled with exultation
次年, 一个新的分支产生丰富的在树枝上的两端。
But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.
Straigten out your hand and with the little finger edge strike repeatedly against any hard surface.
A mosquito only bites us out of hunger, and we immediately react with anger and a wish to strike back.
After working as an employee for many years, Bill suddenly decided to strike out and open his own shop.
With the success of the European Union as a model, Ukraine had no need to strike out on a separate path.
有欧洲联盟的成功作为样板, 乌克兰没有必要独辟蹊径。
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单词 strike out 释义

  • 单词释义:删去;拟出;自成一格;用力打  [更多..]



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