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单词 struggle for 例句大全,用单词struggle for造句:

When when I also struggle for several thousands, be my turn to invite an elder brother right away they!
Using Clinical Cases to Interpret the Struggle for and Defence of Rights between Patients and Physicians
Adolescence is a difficult period of life, often characterised by a struggle for individual independence.
Discussing expressing of traditional value idea in struggle for supremacy in the Spring and Autumn Period
Discussing expressing of traditional value idea in struggle for supremacy in the Spring and Autumn Period.
A New Research on the Conflict between the Gentry and Political Power in the Struggle for Rice in Changsha
But staying happy is an accomplishment, a triumph of soul and character; it is not selfish to struggle for it.
On Strengthening the Education of Spirit of Plain Living and Hard Struggle for College Students in the New Era
Therefore,both the enemy and ourselves will fight for the Dabie Mountains,a matter involving a bitter struggle.
At 58 quid per tandem jump, parascending isnt cheap. But for a daredevil experience you'll struggle to find better.
TIME is running out for Jerry Yang, the boss of Yahoo!, in his increasingly desperate struggle to rebuff Microsoft.
I found, do you want to do, for his own ideal adhere to struggle, you will be able to realize the value of your life!
做你想做, 为自己的理想奋斗, 你会实现自己的人生价值
Devote great efforts to the development of Yunghsin,set up an independent regime of the people there and prepare for a prolonged struggle.
The revolting army put forward the slogan of"save the nation; struggle for existence", which helped them win the love of the masses.
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单词 struggle for 释义

  • 单词释义:为…而斗争;拼争  [更多..]



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