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单词 stacks 例句大全,用单词stacks造句:

A Study on Safety of Loading Method by Overlapping two Stacks of Steel Materials
Runs are the stacks of visible cards you create by playing black on red in order.
The term is usually only applied to plant cells, where many such stacks are found.
Black smoke from boiler stacks often takes place in some places with negative impact.
I looked for the book in the card catalogue and went right to the stacks and found it.
The said formulas can provide a sound basis for the engineering design of jacketed stacks.
The motor illustrated has three stacks and eight rotor teeth, so the step length is 15 degrees.
A winch shuttles back and forth, and side to side, on a grid of rails above stacks of containers.
一台绞车穿梭般的在集装箱堆上的轨道网上前后, 左右运行。
Because of their small size, the children were able to climb the narrow chimney stacks for cleaning.
他们体型娇小, 因而可以爬进狭长的烟囱里清扫。
These incinerators are costly to run and capital intensive in cost and require large chimney stacks.
Shimmering yellow and raging red, Hangangs flare stacks burn off waste gases and inflame the night sky.
燃烧的废气所迸发出的火花, 每到晚上就映红邯钢的夜空。
The usage of interconnected virtual images as a way of deploying software stacks is becoming more prevalent.
This paper presents effective measures for preventing steel stacks in LAB plant from vibrating in crosswind.
Most libraries have open and closed stacks. He assumed a posture and began to sing a part in a Beijing opera.
多数图书馆有开架和闭架两种书库。他拉开架子, 唱起了京剧。
At the same 2 cases of full stacks of chain explosives would be airdropped and locations pinged on the minimap.
The inner For Loop creates a row, and the outer For Loop stacks these rows to fill in the columns of the matrix.
Designing our own serpentine channel flow field and straight channel flow field, and assembling two cell stacks.
Dominating corn borer in stalk and stubble stacks is one of main methods of synthetically controlling corn borer origin.
Dragging stacks and stacking items between containers will now stack correctly, assuming there is enough space for both stacks.
The method of the invention comprises the following steps interlocking the sheets into sheet stacks for conveying without slippage.

单词 stacks 释义

  • 单词释义:大量( stack的名词复数 );大烟囱;(图书馆或书店的)书架  [更多..]



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