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单词 spoon up 例句大全,用单词spoon up造句:

Her spoon ceased to stir up the sugar.
I usually just pick up the fork and spoon to use.
Brown sausage, breaking it up with a spoon, 7 minutes.
香肠变成棕褐色, 用汤匙将香肠捣碎, 此过程大约为7分钟。
Mix crab roe with a little stock. Mash it up with a spoon.
I forced her to get out of her chair to pick the spoon up.
Spoon up the caviar on the shredded spring onion, serve hot.
舀起黑鱼子放在葱花上, 趁热上桌。
Mix with the bar spoon then top up the glass with crushed ice.
You go into the restaurant, then pick up a tray, knife fork and spoon.
Use your spoon to scoop up the rice in the bowl, not the rice on the tray.
Wilson with a spoon, he held up one finger and motioned me to come nearer.
威尔逊夫人喂他吃了两勺后, 他举起一根手指, 示意我靠近。
He picked up his spoon so hurriedly that it spattered milk over his cardigan.
Mother adds a spoon of baking-powder in the flour, and then begins to churn it up.
first you pick up one of the dumplings with your chopsticks and hold it over the spoon.
In which Madame Magloire locked up the six silver knives and forks and the big spoon every night.
Just pick up a tray, put a knife, a fork, a spoon and a paper napkin on it, and then start down the line.
Ron scowled at both his parents, then picked up his spoon and attacked the last few mouthfuls of his apple tart.
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单词 spoon up 释义

  • 单词释义:舀起来,用匙喝完  [更多..]



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