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单词 splitting field 例句大全,用单词splitting field造句:

least splitting field.
If an electron is placed in an external magnetic field, Seeman splitting results.
如果把电子放到外磁场中, 就会发生西曼劈裂。
If an electron is placed in an external magnetic field, Zeeman splitting results.
Two races of European corn borers sharing the same field may also be splitting up.
Firstly, energy level splitting of the ground state and first excited state of a rubidium metal atom in the outside magnetic field is discussed.
首先, 讨论了外磁场中铷原子基态和第一激发态的能级分裂。
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单词 splitting field 释义

  • 单词释义:[数学]分裂域[亦称作 root field]  [更多..]



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