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单词 split on 例句大全,用单词split on造句:

Analysis of Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures Based on Freezing and Thawing Split Test
Experimental Research on Material of Clapboard and Technique of Construction of Split Columns
A range image segmentation algorithm based on tree structure ellipse cluster split is proposed.
On the Prototype Split and Shift, Subcategorization and Relevant Problems of a Polysemic Category
Will be divided into three window cut and split window display different categories depending on.
将窗口切分为三, 并在切分窗口中显示不同的视类。
Experimental study on influence of outdoor unit barrier on the performance of split air conditioner
Dalailama, on the world stage, has been engaged in the traitorous activities in an attempt to split China.
The discussion of the cause of split and resolution programme on foundation pit bracing of Baishida garder
Ring Shaped Oscillator OPTIMIZATION OF ROLLING A Study on the Calculation of Rolling Force of Split Rolling by Annular Wedge
One family investigation and pathogeny research on ectrodactyly, absence of radius side part palm and split foot malformation
英文例句大全为您提供split on英文例句大全,split on英文造句,关于split on的英语句子,单词split on怎么造句,split on英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于split on,英语单词split on的句子,单词split on如何造句,split on怎么造句等。

单词 split on 释义

  • 单词释义:在…上产生分歧;触礁  [更多..]



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