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单词 Soviet Union 例句大全,用单词Soviet Union造句:

On the contribution of the Soviet Union to the foundation of the Whampoa Military Academy
One year later, while Forman was visiting Paris, the Soviet Union invaded Czechoslovakia.
A Look at the Deep Reasons of Soviet Union's Desegregation from the Angle of State System.
In addition, the Soviet Union also took South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands of the island.
They realize that we are the only power capable of checking the designs of the Soviet Union.
Brief introduction of research on cotton applied with inorganic fertilizer in the Soviet Union
The Soviet Union to which it gave birth fell some 70 years later, with scarcely any bloodshed.
The year saw a slight improvement in the abysmal relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
这一年, 美国和苏联的关系也有了一点微妙的改善。
The Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union and Its Enlightenment from the Visual Angle of Authority
Relations Between the Nationalist Troops and the Soviet Union Prior to The Great Battle at Nankou
The disintegration of the Soviet Union deprived western intelligence agencies of their main enemies.
Now that the Soviet Union is dead and buried, and Russia is no longer a military threat to the West.
Cold war period, Latin America has become between Soviet Union and US an ideology aspect battlefield.
冷战期间, 拉丁美洲成了苏美之间意识形态方面的一个战场。
Thanks to all this and to the assistance of the Soviet Union, the Northern Expedition was victorious.
And then there was another time a romanian official came also to speak on behalf of the soviet union.
Some Americans want to go further and undermine him, even to encourage a breakup of the Soviet Union.
有些美国人要进一步削弱他, 甚至鼓励苏联解体。
The Russian Tsar has left over a heavy historical burden about the ethnic issue for the Soviet Union.
In other words, the Soviet Union would abstain from a resolution favoring a simple ceasefire in place.
换言之, 对于一项赞同简单就地停火的决议, 苏联将投弃权票。
The other country that took greatest advantage of China was czarist Russia and later the Soviet Union.
另一个得利最大的是沙俄, 以后延续到苏联。
After entering 80s, Americas containment of petroleum and natural gas has greatly affected Soviet Union.
进入80年代, 美国的油气遏制对苏联产生了很大影响。
The Study of the Camp Confrontation Strategy of the Soviet Union from the Establishment of the Cominform
My view is completely in accord with that of the Allies, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union.
And the research of Soviet Union Upheaval from the angle of Russian national characters was a new attempt.
The Soviet Union began to invest heavily in the new regime and backed Najibullahs reconciliation strategy.
In addition to the Soviet Union, the fraternal countries in East Europe have also given us some assistance.
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