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单词 sonic boom 例句大全,用单词sonic boom造句:

The new aircraft creates a sonic boom.
Therefore, they will create sonic booms stronger and louder than those of smaller, lighter aircraft.
因此它们制造的音爆更强, 更响。
A sonic boom follows an aircraft as a wake follows a ship.
飞机飞过会产生音爆, 就像船只产生尾波一样。
The ratio of aircraft length to maximum cross sectional area also influences the intensity of the sonic boom.
One example is provided by the sonic booms from airplanes.
And then it would create like a sonic boom when it exited.
And if you're lucky, you may hear the faint pop of the sonic boom.
When these shock waves hit the gound, we hear a sonic boom.
When these shock waves hit the ground, we hear a sonic boom.
Exactly the same as throwing back into handcuffs, accomponied by the Sonic boom.
因为伴随着标, 时机与后扔式铐人同样严密
It is the rate of change, the sudden onset of the pressure change, that makes the sonic boom audible.
The sharp release of pressure, after the buildup by the shock wave, is heard as the sonic boom.
冲击波累积之后压力的瞬间释放, 就是人们听到的音爆。
Now there are companies that will insure people for damage caused by a sonic boom.
现在, 有些保险公司将对声爆对人们造成得损害保险。
Sonic booms can break windows.
Sonic booms, baby! Lets do this thing.
或音爆来了, 宝贝!让我们开始吧!
Sonic booms are measured in pounds per square foot of overpressure.
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单词 sonic boom 释义

  • 单词释义:音爆;声震;轰声  [更多..]



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