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单词 so far 例句大全,用单词so far造句:

So far the academic study of the comments have been very comprehensive and thorough.
自古及今, 学术界对老子的注释研究已经极其全面和深入。
Fenglin chao the beginning of the second hearing, until the year AD 490 dead so far.
The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far.
But so far, chemistry has only slowly begun to sidle up to them. Why are we so slow?
但目前化学才刚开始缓慢的侧身而上, 为何我们如此缓慢?
Evaluation of acclimatization of the highland forces has been reported rarely so far.
I have been pursuing what I want all these years, but so far I have achieved nothing.
How would Nietzsche rank the plays that we have read so far in order of achievement ?
So far, the swordfish case is the only one to have been submitted to an ad hoc chamber.
As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
东离西有多远, 他叫我们的过犯, 离我们也有多远。
I was still not so sure about this. But so far, this seemed like an rational explanation.
我心里不是很有底, 不过想着也只能这么解释了。
E. B. White is one of the most admirable literary stylists this country has so far produced.
So you can only get so far, I think, in telling your story by using these abstract statistics.
通过看这些抽象的统计数据,我想我只能 证明这么多。
So far, however, Chinese companies have been plagued by an actual or perceived lack of quality.
至少一年应修正一次标准成本, 以反映预期的实际成本。
Your chosen address is so far away from downtown, so the access for traffic is quite inconvenient.
American economy has so far given the fullest endorsement to the legislation of the Administration.
But he immortal melody, accompany by Chinese nation continue, advance courageously interest still so far.
At the same time, so far as Aileen was concerned things were obviously shaping up for additional changes.
And so far, I kind of admit, that this might feel like it's a message just to go out and play like a kid.
至此,我承认这好像是 叫你们像个小孩那样去玩。
He said that Jades select slate of customers so far has come from as far afield as Russia, Malta and Spain.
他称高鼎游艇的买家甚至远达俄罗斯, 马耳他和西班牙。
Perhaps the most worrisome features so far are the number and severity of cases in teenagers and young adults.
Often they were very far from being defined, in so far as the attributes of the plant materials were concerned.
Premature withdrawal would have devastating consequences and could undo everything that has been accomplished so far.
过早撤出将产生破坏性后果, 并可能使至今的成就前功尽弃。
In addition, the immunity produced so far lasts only three to six months, so frequent vaccinations would be necessary.
Do not underestimate what we have accomplished so far. The best of plans must have a solid foundation before execution can commence.
太阳刚从地平线上升起, 他就起床劳动去了。
She is going to play a blind student in the upcoming crime thriller. She’s been acting mainly in romantic comedies so far, but I’m sure she’ll do a great job.
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单词 so far 释义

  • 单词释义:到目前为止;迄今为止;到这点为止; 仅到一定程度  [更多..]



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