South Korea and North Korea eventually signed a truce but not a formal peace agreement.
韩朝两国最终签署的是修战协议, 而不是正式的和平条约
Syngman Rhee, president of South Korea, refuses to sign but pledges to observe the armistice.
Tensions exist on both sides of the demilitarized zone separating north korea and south korea.
These are two automatic sniper stations currently deployed in the DMZ between North and South Korea.
這是兩座自動狙擊台 目前部署在南北韓非軍事區
Other Asian countries that have gone from deforestation to afforestation include South Korea and Vietnam.
China and South Korea took the close friendly neighboring country, harmoniously developed since old times.
Economic Exchange and Cooperation Between North and South Korea Under the Consciousness of National Cooperation
Comparative Study of and Enlightenment from Private Higher Education Policies of the U.S., Japan and South Korea
美, 日, 韩私立高教政策比较及其启示
Under the aegis of the United Nations, nations allied with the United States intervened on behalf of South Korea.
At Hyundai's car-making division, which employs 45,000 people in South Korea, workers have never had it so tough.
It introduces the pickle of South Korea about its disposal method of materials, salting method, fermentation principle.
摘要该文介绍了韩式泡菜的原料处理方法, 腌制方法
The trade ministers of China, Japan and South Korea have agreed to step up efforts towards forming a trilateral free trade agreement.
Since then, South Korea for Wang loaded by smoke pouring money down the drain, as early as late Wen Fu Xi Shi, and even have it taken down urinal.
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