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单词 stop watch 例句大全,用单词stop watch造句:

chronograph stop watch
anemometer with stop watch
stop up to watch a film on TV
Retreat is a time to Stop, Listen, Watch, and Search.
避静是一个驻足, 聆听, 观察与寻找得时刻。
When the bottle is empty, you can set the stop watch.
Watch this,Oh Ouch Poor Joe. stop crying,Thank you,Sarah.
看这个,哎哟!痛呀 可怜得乔,不要哭了。谢谢你,萨拉。
Watch this, Oh Ouch Poor Joe. stop crying, Thank you, Sarah.
看这个, 哎哟!痛呀? ? 的乔, 不要哭了。谢谢你, 萨拉。
I would quietly watch my fury rising within me, and be powerless to stop it.
我静候着我的怒气冲来, 没法儿止住。
Analysis of Verificating the Electric Stop Watch by means of Electric Counter
The advice starts a stop watch, and then it lets the original request proceed.
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