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单词 stone work 例句大全,用单词stone work造句:

Weir of dry stone and timber work.
Wouldnt the Crimson Stone work for humans as well
Leon Wouldnt the Crimson Stone work for humans as well.
Made of Changhua stone, this seal is a rare work of art.
The cleavage of the stone was vertical, which sped the work.
I consider my work here as stepping stone for a promising future in this industry.
We built our pergola over an existing stone patio, that saved a lot of patio work.
我们修造了一个荫凉地, 地上都是修建后留下的一片狼藉。
And combine stair, namely armrest of baluster of pace of stone material ladder, ornamental work of iron, wood.
One namely cold later drinking. The Ji Yu morn Lun mushrooms piece of stone, again mercilessly failed next work!
一声冷喝之后。姬宇晨抡起石块, 再次狠狠的砸了下去!
Controlled blasting of stone work and unit price analysis for the construction of second track added to the existing one
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