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单词 streamline body 例句大全,用单词streamline body造句:

fine streamline body.
Streamline form handle can massage the body easily any place.
Its body appears to be streamline which enables it to be a good diver.
This small bird has a streamline body so it can dart quickly through the air.
这类小鸟得身体呈流线型, 所以能在天上飞得很快。
This small bird has a streamline body so it can dart quickly through the air.
这类小鸟的身体呈流线型, 所以能在天上飞得很快。
Cast by alloy, the body of the lock has compact fabrication, streamline appearance.
Adult males will also tend to have a deeper body, whereas females appear more slim and streamline.
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单词 streamline body 释义

  • 单词释义:流线体,流线型车身  [更多..]



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