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单词 stored 例句大全,用单词stored造句:

Development of Small Hollow Concrete Block with Fly Ash Stored in the Baosteel Power Station
The value generated on the right side of the assignment statement is stored in the property.
Acoustic Pipe should be stored in a facility site to protect myself, to avoid tube corrosion.
声测管要存放在有遮雨设施的场地, 避免管体生锈。
For a profile to be activated, this stored procedure can be used to associate the guidelines.
要激活一个概要文件, 可以使用该存储过程来关联指南。
for as they ascend, the records that had been stored in their cellular structure are released.
因为当提升时, 隐藏在他们分子结构中的记录就被释放。
Alcohol has a surprisingly high number of calories, which tend to be stored around the abdomen.
酒精含有非常高的热量, 常会囤积在腹部上。更详细。
Copy of documentation supporting the annual testing of stored backup data for the current year.
A bite string larger that this will be truncated when stored in the appropriate row and column.
Secondary reference standards appropriately prepared, identified, tested, approved, and stored.
二级参考标准品应用适当的方法制备, 鉴别, 检测, 批准并储存。
Ammonia is normally shipped and stored liquid form, obtained by compressing and cooling the gas.
This industrial standard is applicable to digital stored program control dispatching equipments.
The another projet was conducted to illustrate the stability of alcohol in stored blood and urine.
I must determine how much succulence to be stored in accordance with the quantity of the livestock.
Authorities believe the vinegar was stored in containers that used to hold highly toxic antifreeze.
After filtration the yeast was dried at room temperature and stored in small bottles until analysed.
Some evidence that temporal landmarks are stored and encoded in autobiographical memory are analysed.
Yangtao fruit after plucking has a physiological afterripening period and cannot be stored for a long time.
Liquid PAC and its diluted solution are slightly corrosive, which should be stored anticorrosive container.
What a waterfall thunderously sets off is but the accumulated potential that a reservoir has quietly stored.
Chinese literature stored by foreign countries has important value of reference for China's academic research.
My parents were standing in the doorway to the den, where we had stored the books and my mother's beloved china.
Mothership volume has been decreased and they can now be stored in capital ship assembly and maintenance arrays.
Advance developed green stored grain project, we must popularize biological controlling of stored grain insects.
Samples which cannot be stored easily shall be kept for a period determined in accordance with the circumstances.
a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms

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