Eat by use of stomach tube
Stomach looked distended, so we put down an N. G. tube.
The doctor inserted a small tube into the patient's stomach feed him.
We need to put a tube in to pump his stomach immediately and start an intravenous fluid.
我们必须马上放一条管子到胃里去清洗, 并且开始静脉注射。
Objective To explore the availability of inserting stomach tube as swallowing warm water.
A gastric tube is indicated to reduce stomach distention and decrease the risk of aspiration.
The nasal feeding law is refers to the stomach tube after the nasal cavity insertion stomach.
I'm going to put a gastric tube into your stomach, this is for gastrointestinal decompression.
Judgement and Selection of the Reflux of Gastric Juice or Bile and the Time of Removing Stomach Tube
The purpose of this tube is to empty the stomach of secretions and gas to prevent gastric dilatation.
毛鼻胃插管的目的是排空胃部分泌物和气体, 防止胃扩张。
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