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单词 steering wheel 例句大全,用单词steering wheel造句:

I need to stop by my house, he said curtly, gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.
The surface layer is arranged on the fork head, so as to lead the steering wheel lock to be more beautiful.
在叉头上设置面层, 还可以增加方向盘锁的美观。
Pivot steering course and resistant moment analysis in wheel type articulated vehicles. Gear Steering Mechanism
Manual gear changes are made either with shift paddles or buttons on the steering wheel or with the gear lever.
The method of calculating and analyzing the force and moment acting on steering wheel when cornering is studied.
研究了汽车转向时, 转向盘上的作用力和力矩计算分析方法。
However, when high speed travel, steering wheel's disatema appears somewhat lets the human adapt with difficulty.
不过, 在高速行驶时, 方向盘的虚位就显得有些让人难以适应。
Design of Wheel Steering Mechanism for Full Trailer Equipments are mounted on platform trailer with framed structure.
The thug tried to grap hold of the steering wheel, but the bus shoot towards the cliff like an arrow leaving the bow.
歹徒企图扑上去抢方向盘, 汽车却像离弦的箭向悬崖冲去。
I knew that all I had to do was inch the steering wheel to the left and keep pace with traffic, but my arms were rigid.
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