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单词 steeped 例句大全,用单词steeped造句:

The ways of the Templar are steeped in ancient rites and rituals.
My brothers and I were steeped in classical music from childhood.
The hostess steeped the tea in boiling water to make a pot of tea.
My body's pores, as steeped in that beach water, breathing, but to.
我全身的毛孔像浸淫在那滩水里, 呼吸不过来。
These are actually wires wrapped in muslin and steeped in vegetable dye.
Water in the Okefenokee a dark, like tea that has steeped along a long time.
在奥克弗诺基沼泽中的水是黑色的, 像泡了很久的茶一样。
Effects of Bottom Fermented Grains Steeped in Yellow Water on the Fermentation.
But what is the use if the police department is in itself steeped in corruption?
The small family farm is steeped in inefficiently and struggles just to survive.
小农场主陷于无效率的境况中, 只为生存下去而苦苦挣扎。
On other days he would be steeped in gloom, as if his burden was too heavy to bear.
Our management philosophy is steeped in the tradition of hospitality and Aloha of Hawaii.
Sleep peacefully at night in particular, a bed, a surge of coolness steeped my whole body.
夜里睡得特别安稳, 一起床, 一股凉意浸淫了我全身。

单词 steeped 释义

  • 单词释义:充满…的;沉浸在…中的  [更多..]



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