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单词 stick to 例句大全,用单词stick to造句:

I wanted to change my job, but he advised me to stick to my last.
This report is being used as yet another stick to beat nurses with.
This blind old lady relies completely on her walking stick to walk.
The judge instructed both lawyers to stick to the facts of the case.
If you stick to cut off the dirty can affect the quality of products.
Stick to the letter of the law as a baseline, to protect the company.
以法律条文为基准, 维护公司利益。
I ran along the bench and banged the keys with a stick to play a tune.
我沿着长凳跑, 用棍子敲键盘弹奏出一首曲子。
Stick receive intensity to accord with or exceed a shoe to use a level.
They applied the carrot and stick to enslave the people in the colonies.
No matter where feel, it is to stick lampblack, call a person afflictive.
He threw me to the ground and hit me again and again with his heavy stick.
I never drink alcohol if I've got the car. I always stick to mineral water.
如果要开车, 我会滴酒不沾, 只喝矿泉水。
Don't touch that cold metal with bare hands, or your skin will stick to it.
不要用手直接摸那块冰冷的金属, 否则会沾掉你手上的皮。
Development with no laws to stick to and assessment conducted only in name.
To guide Avon through this next phase, Jung's plan is to stick to the plan.
为了使雅芳度过这一阶段, 钟的计划就是坚持原计划。
In the case, the prosecutor and defendant both stick to their own arguments.
关于这个案子, 原告, 被告各执一端。
Get an accountant to help you make an operating budget and then stick to it.
Tom will convey the news and he will stick to also can open an airplane Kurt.
Time is needed to completely achieve the single unit of yard-stick measurement.
Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage that will not stick to the skin.
He took up a stick, pointed against the wall, and didn't allow anyone to pass by.
I stick to my professional virtues, and will never be allured by beautiful women.
我坚持自己的职业操守, 绝不会为美色所诱惑。
Use bamboo stick to skewer the prawns grilled, then grilled vegetables set aside.
Sometimes I just have to resort to the carrot and stick approach with my children.
Sandal wearers should apply the block stick to the feet before putting on sandals.
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单词 stick to 释义

  • 单词释义:遵守;保留;紧跟;忠于;坚持  [更多..]



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