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单词 stay behind 例句大全,用单词stay behind造句:

Why don't we just put all of this behind us and stay together?
我们何不冰释前嫌 重归于好?
One who has not finished his homework will stay behind after class.
It's safe to stay well behind the car in front to avoid runing into it.
离前面的车保持一段距离是安全的, 以防追尾事故。
Aaron had to have to stay behind wai has injured foot's Algeria and UK.
After the banquet, please stay behind. I have something to talk about with you.
散席之后请你留下来, 我还有事情和你说。
A misty rain in the morning had left behind a coolness that would stay for hours.
You are in life being doomed, I will not forget the rainbow will stay behind trace.
Anyhow, he made it a point to stay behind and plan out all of the details for your case.
We invite you to stay behind for lunch, enjoy the sweets and fellowship with one another.
It is always hard to ask their souls to stay behind, That birds are silent and flowers feel ashamed, I find.
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单词 stay behind 释义

  • 单词释义:留下来;留在后面  [更多..]



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