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单词 stay away 例句大全,用单词stay away造句:

Lai has also advised people to stay away from eating boiled eggs.
Stay away from financial speculation and avoid excessive spending.
Never ask about deviant things. Stay away from all thats improper.
He told his children to stay away from dangerous electrical things.
If you are driving, Stay away from bridges, overpasses and tunnels.
Stay away from hot, spicy or acidic foods that can irritate the sore.
Kelly tries to stay away from dessert and limits his intake of bread.
凯利尽量远离甜点, 并限制面包的摄入量。
Stay away from him, he is now going around with a chip on his shoulder.
不要惹他, 他现在正到处找人打架。
Beware of bogus programs, and stay away from those which need you to pay.
Stay away from the bread, but pick up some of the crackers and tortillas.
把面包放一边, 拿上硬面饼和玉米饼吧。
It damage your mucous membrane of your nose and stay away from opium too.
这会损害你的鼻腔粘膜的, 同时也要远离鸦片。
She had also requested a restraining order demanding he stay away from her.
她也要求了一项限制令, 要求他丈夫远离她。
My dad, being a military man, even threatened Jun to Jun to stay away from me.
Stay away from my husband, you degenerate piece of human filth, or you're dead!
离我丈夫远点儿, 你这个自甘堕落的人渣, 不然你就死定了!
Stay away from salty snacks, such as chips and pretzels,are loaded with sodium.
Stay away from salty snacks, such as chips and pretzels, are loaded with sodium.
Please warn Mary to stay away from the sneaky dwarf who always wreathe over her.
The military cordon appeared to be breaking as red shirts defied orders to stay away.
What if foreign experts ask for leave of absence or stay away from work without leave?
For your safety, please stay away from the river bank during the firework performance.
Some critics would counsel him to stay away altogether, rather than try any engagement.
The larger the ink color intensity closer to stay away from corners, the more neutral colors.
油墨色不弱越不小, 越挨近各个角, 越挨近洋性色。
There was one country, though, which was able to escape or stay away from that vicious cycle.
但是有一个国家 它摆脱了 这种恶性循环
It has been many years, but we still can not get along because good people must stay away from bad.
When you get home, change out of your work clothes, let the answering machine take your calls, and stay away from e-mail.
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单词 stay away 释义

  • 单词释义:离开,缺席;躲开  [更多..]



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