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单词 stamped 例句大全,用单词stamped造句:

All Indonesians must have their religion stamped on their identity card.
We need not say that a smile of condescension was stamped upon his lips.
不用说, 他的脸上当然挂着一个殷勤的微笑。
Jordan is said to have stamped his personality on the game of basketball.
The period is virtually stamped in his wild boy, androgynous, Tatar image.
With two frieze drawers, the reverse of the lock stamped E.SchmidtA Paris.
有两个楣抽屉, 锁的反向盖章施密特阿巴黎。
Straighten stamped steel pans particularly around the bolt hole lacations.
Precision stamped to closed tolerance level to prevent wiper from chattering.
Before entering the house he stamped his feet to shake the snow off his boots.
Textured tab may be heat stamped or marked with special cable tie marking pens.
压纹标签, 可热盖章或标明特殊电缆接头标记笔。
This Certificate takes effect after be underwritten and stamped by our company.
This jacket, moreover, was stamped in various places with the Government broad arrow.
再说, 这件上衣各处都打着政府的宽箭头印记。
The handsome young fellow, with indelible Whipple charm stamped on his bright features.
Stamp patterns cut off from stamped envelopes, stamped postcards and stamped aerogrammes.
Determination of Strain Distribution and Forming Defects for Automobile Panel Stamped Parts
It is as if a big cat has stamped a black mark on every soul, condemning them for eternity.
There are usually burrs in the fracture of thin sheet parts stamped with steel blanking die.
用常规钢制冲模冲裁薄片零件, 断口常有毛刺。
The bricks of the Ziggurat are stamped with the name of Ur Nammu,the Sumerian king who built it.
All washing machines are stamped with the inspector's name after they have been checked for quality.
He stamped his feet like a restless pony, obviously anxious to get back to whatever he had been doing.
The effects of the continuous annealing process on mechanical properties of stamped steel were studied.
Your cargo cannot be taken delivery of, because the customhouse has not yet stamped your bill of lading.
你的货物还不能提取, 因为海关尚未在你的是货单上盖章。
In Post Offices, virtually every document that's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp.
Bearing trapezoidal groove stamped out, felt ring embedded trapezoidal tank in close contact with the journal.
Diamond blades are tensioned by the manufacturer to run true at the recommended rpm, which is stamped on the blade.
When he handed the money to the clerk, the latter then wrote something on the savings book, and stamped it with a seal.

单词 stamped 释义

  • 单词释义:顿足的,铭刻的,有邮戳的  [更多..]



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