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单词 steam bath 例句大全,用单词steam bath造句:

To take a steam bath.
A sauna is a type of steam bath.
Nowadays, a steam bath is very popular.
Massage bath tubs, steam sauna and shower panels
按摩浴缸, 蒸汽房, 花洒柱
The communal bath has a sauna, a steam room and a spa.
In the steam bath. I sweated off two pounds in an hour.
洗蒸汽浴时, 我在一小时内就因出汗而使体重下降了两磅。
Sauna bath in which steam is used to drive sweat out of the body.
The instrument was divided into the steam boiler and aluminum bath.
Blinded by the steam, he had to fish around for the soap in his bath.
在浴室里蒸气大得他睁不开眼, 他人好用手摸着找肥皂。
Sauna, steam bath, massage and treatments enable you to relax and revitalize.
Combine a sauna with a steam bath and you will find relief from respiratory problems.
把桑拿和蒸气浴结合起来做, 你的呼吸都会变得很通常。
Something else which can really help to clear the sinuses and airways is a steam bath.
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