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单词 testing company 例句大全,用单词testing company造句:

The company is testing for oil.
Doble Engineering Company High Voltage Apparatus Testing
Conduct the panel testing based on the company operation guideline
The acupuncture can be used on bream and the company plans to begin testing it on salmon.
针灸可以用在鲷鱼, 这家公司计画开始在鲑鱼上测试。
It must pass muster in much more rigorous testing before the company seeks U.S. approval.
Yet the Ministry of Agriculture cleared the company after it provided samples for testing.
然而, 农业部在对联合利华提供的样品检测后, 澄清了问题。
Experienced in Factory, trading company or quality testing organization inspects. Familiar with wood product
Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing.
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