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单词 take office 例句大全,用单词take office造句:

He was appointed the provincial governor and ordered to take up office immediately.
But head coach also borrows this aperture toto take office fully commander in chief.
The coroners office says results from its toxicology tests could take up to six weeks.
A jubilant Ms ThorningSchmidt will take office as Denmarks first female prime minister.
Section monitor of Chinese, collect all the compositions and take them to my office, please.
语文科代表, 你要收上全部作文, 把它们放在偶的办公桌上。
The branches shall take the form of a subsidiary company, branch company, or business office.
When the rumour spread that the general office was about to take definite action in the affair.
Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation
在他就职之前, 他应宣誓或誓愿如下
Fill personal details, take a taxi rapidly again the company that approaches to assume office now.
Most people take a summer job or work for the post office at Christmas to earn a bit of extra money.
Don't take the office home with you, and don't let personal entanglements leak the workplace, either.
别把工作带回家, 但也别让个人的纠缠掺乎到工作的地方。
Answer incoming telephone calls and either transfer, redirect or take a message for Front Office back office.
As more and more of a conglomerates activities take place far from head office, inefficiencies will surely creep in.
The Trademark Office is the agency to take cognizance of matters relating to the application for priority in trademark registration.
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单词 take office 释义

  • 单词释义:就职;绾结印绶;到职;任职  [更多..]



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