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单词 TAHRI 例句大全,用单词TAHRI造句:

For 16 days, our cameras were broadcasting live the voices of the people in Tahrir Square.
18天里 我们的摄影机实时播出 解放广场上民众的呼声
Clashes were continuing to flare into the early hours of Thursday morning, as fires continued to burn around Tahrir Square.
冲突持续到周四凌晨, 解放广场的周围仍有大火。
Midan Tahrir is at the center.
I arrived in Cairo in late January and made my way through a military cordon to Tahrir Square.
Above, a wounded demonstrator lies on the ground in Tahrir Square.
At Tahrir Square, some slipped out of position to join the roaring crowds flooding the streets.

单词 TAHRI 释义

  • 单词释义:Tobacco and Health Research Institute 烟草和健康研究院  [更多..]



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