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单词 tailored suit 例句大全,用单词tailored suit造句:

She wore a black tailored suit with a white blouse.
Buy a nice tailored suit, there is no excuse not to.
Sample systems can be tailored to suit customer requirements.
Her gaze scanned the expensively tailored cut of his dark suit.
Her suit was so well tailored that it accentuated her graceful figure.
她的衣服非常合体, 显出了她那优美的曲线。
The company custom-tailored a Western suit made of polyester wool for each employee.
The suit she is wearing today is so well tailored that it accentuates her graceful figure.
今天她穿的衣服非常合体, 凸显了她优雅的身材。
The menu of options seems to have been tailored to suit the accounting regimes of various creditors.
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