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单词 talent scout 例句大全,用单词talent scout造句:

Scout the talent at the baseball tournament.
Football scout Francis Corneo spotted Diego's talent.
球探弗朗西斯 科尼奥发现了迭戈的天才。
I just hope that talent scout fella's in a good mood.
Kerr went about this like a talent scout, and his successors have continued the practice.
科尔如同卓越先驱, 推行这一计划, 历届继任者继往开来。
Well, if this story happens to reach Los Angeles and is read by a certain talent scout, the name's Bush.
Towards the end of the evening, two women - one a publicist, the other a talent scout - started talking to me and some serious progress was being made on the film-career front.
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