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单词 taking delivery 例句大全,用单词taking delivery造句:

The balance will be paid on taking delivery of the machine.
Thirty aircraft have been delivered so far, with first delivery taking place in November 2007.
Upon taking delivery of the cargo, the consignee shall inspect the cargo at the prescribed time.
When taking delivery, we found that the cargo had been seriously wet by fresh water and putrefied.
我们在提货时发现, 货物遭受严重水湿, 并已腐烂。
A Research on the Problems of Taking Delivery With Copied Bill of Lading in Addition to A Guarantee
Where the consignee delays in taking delivery, it shall pay expenses such as safekeeping fee, etc. to the carrier.
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单词 taking delivery 释义

  • 单词释义:(商品、证券等)交割  [更多..]



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