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单词 yellow back 例句大全,用单词yellow back造句:

yellow back.
But after the glimmer yellow comes back.
yellow cap, gypsy cap, dollar cab, holla back,
黄帽, 吉普赛帽, 廉价的出租, 尖叫回荡
The center layer is yellow, back is green flannel.
Study on back aggradation width of yellow river dike
One has squared body from the back, yellow sanded billow.
She had pale thin yellow hair she pulled back into a bun.
common savannah monkey with greenishgray back and yellow tail.
热带草原普通的猴子, 绿灰色的背部, 黄色的尾巴。
A yawning yellow yak. Young Yolanda Yorgenson is yelling on his back.
Yellow fever can be recognized from historic texts stretching back 400 years.
At the back of the flock, little yellow followers are lighting up the downy hill.
I was frustrated in the Spain game and got a yellow card for talking back to the ref.
我对西班牙的比赛感到失望, 因为骂裁判领了黄牌。
On their way back to Xi'an the journalists also visited the Mausoleum of Yellow Emperor.
返回西安途中, 记者还参观了黄帝陵。
Through the gate and back again, all along the road, There is nothing.anywhere but yellow reeds and grasses
Hears The Yellow Bamboo Song shaking the whole earth. Where is Emperor Mu, with his eight horses running Ten thousand miles a day? Why has he never come back?
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单词 yellow back 释义

  • 单词释义:美国黄背纸币(可在国库兑换现金);法国廉价小说  [更多..]



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