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单词 Wards 例句大全,用单词Wards造句:

Informed of this good news in many wards, the door closed quickly ran down the stairs or avoid misfortune.
Those experiments have spread from Porto Alegre, Brazil to here in New York City, to the wards of Chicago.
这些实践已经从巴西的阿雷格里港 推广到纽约和芝加哥。
The following year, the government announced that it would deploy police and private guards in hospital wards.
The Chinese medicine believed that the coriander wards off all not gas, has function which warm is good for the stomach.
After indulging in the temporary display of violence, she subsided, first into dullness, and after wards into a compound of feelings
Discussion on clinical nursing and intervention measures from the counting conclusion of dust particle and subsided bacteria in wards
The Cognition and Comparison of Squatting Downwards, Lifting up wards and Arrow Pace Lifting The Study of Comparing Female Split Jerk with Drop Jerk In Dynamics

单词 Wards 释义

  • 单词释义:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 沃兹取自父名,来源于Ward↑1,含义是“沃德之子”(son of Ward)  [更多..]



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