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单词 walk away 例句大全,用单词walk away造句:

This was a corporation which had decided to use the recession to walk away.
As the scene fades out, the hero and the heroine walk away from each other.
随着画面渐渐隐没, 男女主角分手各向一方。
Douha attends a school, a 10minute walk away, and wants to be a paediatrician.
Watching her walk away, I felt the enchantment of the night begin to evaporate.
Walk away for a while before you have a conversation with someone who upset you.
Irritated by this annoying nickname, Allen answered madly and tried to walk away.
What was going through your mind when you saw the USA walk away with only bronze?
I turn away before he can utter an apology and walk briskly back to the bleachers.
He cursed himself again for getting involved, but it was toolate to walk away now.
If you take it as a promise that never change, your love will walk away definitely!
如果你只把它当成一种海誓山盟的话, 那爱情一定会走。
The red fury drained from his face, and he turned, shoulders slumped, to walk away.
A few weeks ago I forecasted Blackburn Rovers would walk away with the championship.
I may be stupid enough to shoot myself, but I'm not stupid enough to walk away from you.
或许我会蠢到射伤自己 但还没蠢到要离开你。
Getting to the Biennale, the hotel was an easy 15 minute walk away along the Grand Canal.
It also gives them the option to walk away for a break fee and do a rights issue instead.
'O Lord, ' I breathed as I watched him walk away, ' thank you for Dave's sacrificial gift.
Alexis saw his father detach himself from the group and walk away down the hill by himself.
Unless your Fight Club membership is in danger of being revoked, walk away from altercations.
You just walk away congratulating yourself on being able to sniff out an ambush from a mile away.
We cannot simply walk away and thus put at risk the enormous investment that has been made thus far.
我们不能甩手不管, 使至今已作出的大量投资遭受风险。
In the endless bamboo forest, you can take a long walk, feeling like a fairy away from the hectic world.
在一望无际的竹林中穿行, 犹如远离尘世的仙人。
Many teamed with a silver beads, silver chains, walk away, such as the bell music tyger penetration ears.
We do not walk away empty handed, and once again dash the hopes of those who are caught in this conflict.
My one person gets away easily, can if want to take to climb them to walk together but difficult liken to ascend heaven.
On the contrary, money takes away your time that could have been spent playing with your children or having a long walk with your alter ego.
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