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单词 VMH 例句大全,用单词VMH造句:

Few people can do more with any brand than Arnault, who has built LVMH into a $40 billion company and amassed a personal fortune estimated at more than $6 billion.
Both Gucci and LVMH have been in fashion with investors, in part because Asia's recovery is viewed as a boon for sellers of swank.
Potential suitors - LVMH and Gucci among them - have shied away from Klein's privately held company because its licensing agreements would deny a buyer dominant control of its product lines.
In the process, he has turned an industry that once consisted of hundreds of small, family-run companies into one dominated by a few luxury conglomerates, of which LVMH is pre-eminent.

单词 VMH 释义

  • 单词释义:Video Graphics System Message Handler 视频图形系统信息处理机  [更多..]



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