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单词 speak to 例句大全,用单词speak to造句:

Can you speak to the process of activation and how, you know, it comes about?
Now, gird up your loins and arise, and speak to them all which I command you.
我就照上主的话去买了根麻带, 束在腰间。
What standpoint should one adopt in order to speak to the world beautifully ?
The angry women are hanging around the gate demanding to speak to the emissary.
To approach and speak to in an aggressive,hostile,or sexually suggestive manner.
They empower the will to act more assertively, to speak louder, and to make a change.
他们决定采取更果断的行动, 去大声疾呼, 去改变现状。
The children stood there for a second, and then Anthea turned to speak to the others.
孩子们站了一下, 然后安西娅转身去和其他的孩子说话。
Then He will speak to them in His anger, And in His burning wrath He will terrify them
Only this sturdy person dared speak boldly to uphold justice, may be able to affect people.
The best course of action is to always speak to a tax advisor regarding any type of home loan.
We will not give our agreement to these proposals, and we will speak to the new Administration.
The princes valet entered the drawing room and announced that the officer on duty wanted to speak to him.
王储代客进入客厅, 宣布值班人员向他要发言。
Womens groups that advocate safe abortion and receive U.S. funding will have to forfeit their right to speak.
Compare with an antique soul to his attention, he to D one Kang with originally speak to not and up look after.
Nope, we ended on bad terms and he refuses to speak to me. I’m ready to make peace, but apparently he’s not.
She wanted very much to express her admiration for the company commander, but was always too shy to speak it out.
You might need to get some additional information from another source or have the caller to speak to someone else.
But three employees who have taken classes agreed to speak to The New York Times on the condition that they not be identified.
Our world has stretched its borders and every person wanting to take advantage of that shift needs to know how to speak English.
I saw abundance of parrots, and fain I would have caught one, if possible to have kept it to be tame, and taught it to speak to me.
To speak in extreme terms. To revert to the point. Back to the point. There is no firm agreement as yet. There is no definitive word as yet.
And it's a very powerful and poignant reminder of how the beauty of music has the ability to speak where words fail, in this case literally speak.
Emotions are the most important aspect of language learning. In life we usually speak, because we want to. School is different in that we speak because we have to.
She accused us of being overly conservative when all of her friends are able to do things at night, said the mom in Walpole, Mass. She didnt speak to me for three days.
On subsequent days we strolled along the Atlantic City boardwalk or sat in the apartment house listening to songs of longing and loss that seemed to speak directly to us.
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单词 speak to 释义

  • 单词释义:对…讲;围绕…谈;责备;提醒  [更多..]



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