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单词 speak for 例句大全,用单词speak for造句:

Her refusal to become angry with those naughty children speak volume for her patience.
In the classifieds, one of our competitors is advertising for people who speak Japanese.
在分类栏里, 我们的竞争对手之一在招聘会日语的人。
In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness.
I stood on the fringe of the little group for a few moments waiting for a chance to speak.
If the laws can speak for themselves, they will complain of the lawyer in the first place.
She was so scared by the unexpected blow that she could not speak a word for several minutes.
You agree to waive the claim, which speak well for your friendly attitude and close cooperation.
Of course, the betel nut girls can only speak Taiwanese, so I found someone to translate for me.
当然, 槟榔西施只回说台语, 所以我找了翻译。
He was woken up for a brief spell on Monday and was able to speak to medical staff and his family.
第二天, 他醒了过来并能和医务人员和他的家人谈话。
Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves.
Commitment to the implementation of the new Beijing, New Olympics, the facts speak for themselves.
Wei, assistant at the coffee shop, would always speak up for Shuangshuang whenever she got bullied.
Both those for and against are fervently convinced they speak for the great majority of the people.
Extreme Programming advocates using no extra design documents and letting the code speak for itself.
Let your body language speak for you and you will entice someone who interests you to get a little closer.
要学会用身体语言说话, 这样会吸引异性和你更亲密一些。
Separated couples can agree to speak on the phone for a prearranged period, for instance, or meet once a week.
The facts speak for themselves, and I mentioned some of them yesterday in connection with an Israeli journalist.
She wanted very much to express her admiration for the company commander, but was always too shy to speak it out.
He accepts an invitation to speak at Gttingen University, essentially, a dress rehearsal for the Prussian Academy.
他接受了哥廷根大学的邀请发言, 从本质上讲, 这是一
Baise Pinhua mountain songs are an important form of folk arts for the Baise people who speak the Pinghua dialect.
The mineral kingdoms would like to speak a little about creating synthesis alters for those of you who are ascending.
The banner of his renown streams throughout the ten directions, for the dakas and dakin is speak of his greatness everywhere.
他的声名远播, 勇父和勇母把他的伟大传向四面八方。
We which return to together care for a tube, vernal equinox elder sister at ordinary times speak nobody too challenge don't listen to.
Even the exuberant AmericansWhitman, for instancehave had surprisingly few friends with whom to associate, so to speak, professionally.
She accused us of being overly conservative when all of her friends are able to do things at night, said the mom in Walpole, Mass. She didnt speak to me for three days.
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单词 speak for 释义

  • 单词释义:代表…讲话;为…辩护;预定[要求]得到…;不言而喻  [更多..]



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