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单词 sparkling water 例句大全,用单词sparkling water造句:

Could I have a refund on the sparkling water.
Could I have a bottle of sparkling water, please?
Sunshine are abundant, pond water was also light up sparkling.
Toffler chooses a Cobb salad with grilled shrimp and sparkling water.
Sparkling mineral water with some nice added taste, vanilla vodka and cider.
太复杂, 暂且译为加了料的苏打水。
Sparkling water with a twist of lime, and can you get this butter softened ?
这么多水就那么一点柠檬还有你得黄油不能软一点 吗?
Sparkling mineral water with some nice added taste, vanilla vodka and cider.
In early spring, within a sparkling lake, reed profusion of lake water clarity
初春, 淀内波光粼粼, 芦苇丛生, 淀水清澈
Grab a bottle of sparkling water at the drinks table and you catch your boss' eye.
It is necessary equipment for aerated water and sparkling wine production industry.
Cleaning demineralized water in the bathtub, tableware, tea sparkling spots without watermarks.
He picks up a big bottle of sparkling water and places it on our tray before I pay the cashier.
Water diversion project will be a sparkling point of China s irrigation works in the 21 st century.
Exterior looks bright flash, the water sparkling beaded products, production procedures are cumbersome.
外表看起来亮闪闪, 水盈盈的珠绣品, 制作程序颇为麻烦。
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