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单词 tea table 例句大全,用单词tea table造句:

There are several barometric pressure water bottles on the tea table in his drawing room.
Hot cup dish direct meeting leaves circuit to iron mark on the lacquer face of tea table.
A flowers or compote are put on tea table, make bedroom atmosphere more clear pure lovely.
茶几上放一盆花卉或果盘, 使居室气氛更为清纯可爱。
Looking at the sitting room tea table pyramiding cigarette and settle in smoke in the air.
It stood on the table that was prepared for tea and it was lifted up by the most delicate hand.
The ornament is on ark of mensal, wine, tea table, for Bacchic smooth added a few minutes calm.
In the table to boil tea for several minutes, can eliminate the smell of fish and oil pollution.
在餐具中煮茶汤数分钟, 可消除鱼腥味以及油污。
Cany relies on chair to deserve to go up cany tea table, of houseful comfortable and recreational.
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