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单词 tenancy agreement 例句大全,用单词tenancy agreement造句:

supplementary tenancy agreement
Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement.
On occasion, I have been asked to provide a tenancy agreement.
The expiration of the lease, tenancy, agreement, contract, etc.
租约, 租用, 协议, 合同等的期满。
The rent cannot be increased during the term of this tenancy Agreement.
在本合同有效期内, 租金不予调整。
Mr.and Mrs.Roberts and Mr. Tay, let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Tay, let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement.
The supplementary tenancy agreement also has got the same law power as this Agreement.
Ensure that all Tenancy Agreement Contract, Request and Proposal are done and submitted accordingly.
确保所有的租客协议, 需求及建议书都准时完成。
A new Tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenant.
If Party B stops the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not required to return the said deposit.
乙方如在租赁期内终止租约, 押金不予退还。
I have aleady filled up a set of three copies of the provisional Tenancy Agreement for both parties, the landlord and the tenant.
If Party B terminates the Tenancy Agreement during the lease term for reasons other than Force Majeure, the paid deposit will not be refunded.
乙方如在租赁期内, 因乙方原因而终止租约押金不予退还。
Please note that nothing herein contained shall be binding on both parties unless and until the formal Tenancy Agreement has been signed by both parties thereto and exchanged.
请注意, 里不包含对双方具有约束力的任何条款。
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