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单词 Teflon 例句大全,用单词Teflon造句:

The welding bars are covered whit a strip teflon and studied to be easily removed.
The unleveled white teflon strip which is tipcutting blades, please smooth this strip.
Large sections of bridge deck are pushed out over the piers on rollers or teflon bearings.
There is a layer Teflon coat on th surface of melting to avoid carbonization and lesson blockage.
熔缸表面特氟龙涂层防止炭化, 减少堵塞。
Teflon coating on the surface of fusing cylinder can prevent from carbonization and reduce blockage.
熔缸表面喷涂特氟龙防粘涂层防止炭化, 减少堵塞

单词 Teflon 释义

  • 单词释义:杜邦公司使用在氟聚合物产品上的注册商标  [更多..]



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