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单词 suffer losses 例句大全,用单词suffer losses造句:

However, we should not suffer enormous losses.
但是, 特别吃亏的我们不干。
The company can't allow its shareholders to suffer losses.
Usually only those smaller traders suffer losses in an economic crisis.
If some of those companies go bankrupt, the Fed could suffer some losses.
如果这些公司中有一些存产的话, 美联储则可能遭受损失。
Otherwise, China will probably suffer heavy losses again like antidumping.
Shucks, what should have been said you have already said, by being last I already suffer losses.
Gambles Olympic Games'Ely company to suffer the heavy losses, the consequence is also quite serious.
Goods purchased or taxable services consumed in the production of workinprogress or finished goo ds which suffer abnormal losses.
正常损失的在产品, 成品所耗用的购进货物或者应税劳务。
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