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单词 sugar pot 例句大全,用单词sugar pot造句:

Pour sugar out of a bag into a pot.
Mother poured sugar out of a bag into a pot.
You should pour the sugar out of the bag into the pot.
She stirred the pot until all the sugar added had melted.
她不断搅动锅, 直到加的糖全部溶化为止。
Place the strawberries and sugar into a pot and heat gently.
将处理过的草莓和糖放入一锅, 温柔地加热。
Finally, at the bottom of the pot by putting up a amount of sugar, millet.
最后, 在锅底内放适量白糖, 小米。
In a pot add water, sugar, agar agar powder and gelatin powder at medium boil.
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