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单词 Sued 例句大全,用单词Sued造句:

He was granted amnesty only to be sued later in 2008 by a senior minister for defamation.
他获得赦免, 只在2008年后期被一名资深部长以诽谤罪名起诉。
She sued for divorce on the grounds of her husbands alleged misconduct with his secretary.
Not long after, a group of authors and publishers sued the company for breach of copyright.
不久后, 一批作者和出版社以侵犯版权为名讲谷歌告上法庭。
This pump can mainly be sued with small machine and tools, house and industrial water pumping.
A man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. She charged that he had called her a pig.
Is the failure by a government to deliver promised preferential policies sued as a civil lawsuit
政府不兑现优惠政策, 是否属于法院民事案件受理范围?
Owners sued the real estate enterprise for charging such a high housing service fee and they won the case.
The achievement pale night of misty rain subsequently the tower lightly has sued the desire language also shames.
The State of California promptly sued and obtained an injunction directing that certain tracts within the basin be excluded from the sale.
DoubleClick was sued by a California woman who accused the company of illegally obtaining and selling personal information about Internet users.
That's why the Trustees for Alaska, a public interest law firm, has sued the U.S. government for failing to protect areas vital to endangered marine mammals.

单词 Sued 释义

  • 单词释义:(为要求赔偿损失而)起诉( sue的过去式和过去分词 );控告;请求;要求(尤用于法庭)  [更多..]



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